Sephora inside JCPenney Exclusive Sets

thumb_IMG_4981_1024-1   thumb_IMG_4976_1024-1‘Tis the season to be jolly, so many holiday gift values have come to town! These sets are perfect for beauty lovers wanting to save a few extra bucks and try out a variety of products one wouldn’t normally buy all at once. Did you know that Sephora inside JCPenney has a few exclusive sets? I wanted to see if they had better deals than the standalone Sephora but I was not able to find them anywhere online! If you want to purchase these sets you have to go directly into the store to view/test/purchase. Good marketing idea JCPenney, but sort of inconvenient for people like me… In this post I tried my best to include product information, price, and size. Just note I may not have precise information for some of them. If you are interested in value sets exclusive to Sephora inside JCPenney please continue reading. Continue reading